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English translation for "decision area"


Related Translations:
important decision:  重大决策
decision machine:  决策机决策计算机
decision verifiability:  决策可证实性
great decision:  重大决策
carterfone decision:  卡特尔电话决定
decision region:  决策区域判定域
decision tree:  决策树图决策体系决策图表, 分层次决策决策宗谱判定树判断树
funding decision:  分配资金决策
binary decision:  二元判定, 双值决策双择判决
strategic decision:  战略决策战略性方案
Example Sentences:
1.2 . progress in china and overseas in reliability theory and engineering risk analysis and decision area is introduced in the paper
2 、介绍了可靠度领域及工程风险分析决策领域的国内外研究进展状况。
2.Statistics and reliability theory are used as the basic theory in this paper to deal with the key and difficult questions in engineering risk analysis and risk decision area . some important structures in south - north water transfer project ( snwtp ) of middle route as the engineering examples are detailed studied in the paper . the main contents researched in this paper are as follows : 1
本文以概率论及可靠度理论为基础,以南水北调中线工程为背景,从工程角度针对当前工程风险分析及风险决策领域的热点和难点进行了研究,主要工作内容如下: 1 、分析了南水北调中线工程中的风险因素,及可能采取的应对措施。
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